Monday, March 30, 2020

praying effectively: Know That God is Just (Rev.13:9-10)

(Revelation 13:9-10)  If anyone has an ear, let him hear. 10 If anyone is destined for captivity, to captivity he goes; if anyone kills with the sword, with the sword he must be killed. Here is the perseverance and the faith of the saints.

Reminder:  "praying effectively" involves knowing God's will.  When we pray in His will (in His name), He may choose to not answer those prayers in the time period that we would like, or HOW we would like - but He will answer those prayers!

It is God's will:
- that everyone hear and listen to God's word (13:9)
- that we know God will judge everyone according to their deeds, punishing unbelievers according to their sinful acts (and rewarding believers according to their deeds done with pure motives) (13:9-10)

Today's prayer:

Dear Lord Jesus and heavenly Father, thank You for Your fairness.  And thank You for protecting Your children for all eternity.  May we rest in You, and patiently wait, knowing that one day You will bring about justice and peace to the entire earth. 

Until that time, guide us and help us to remain steadfast.  Strengthen and equip us to continue serving You and others, all in Your love, and all to Your glory.  Amen.

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