Sunday, June 30, 2019

praying effectively: Wait for the Lord (Zeph 3)

(Zephaniah 3:1-20)
 Woe to her who is rebellious and defiled, the tyrannical city!
She heeded no voice, she accepted no instruction. She did not trust in the Lord, she did not draw near to her God.
Her princes within her are roaring lions, her judges are wolves at evening; they leave nothing for the morning.
Her prophets are reckless, treacherous men; her priests have profaned the sanctuary. They have done violence to the law.
The Lord is righteous within her; He will do no injustice. Every morning He brings His justice to light; He does not fail. But the unjust knows no shame.
“I have cut off nations; their corner towers are in ruins. I have made their streets desolate, with no one passing by; their cities are laid waste, without a man, without an inhabitant.
“I said, ‘Surely you will revere Me, accept instruction.’ So her dwelling will not be cut off according to all that I have appointed concerning her. But they were eager to corrupt all their deeds.
“Therefore wait for Me,” declares the Lord“for the day when I rise up as a witness. Indeed, My decision is to gather nations, to assemble kingdoms, to pour out on them My indignation, all My burning anger; for all the earth will be devoured by the fire of My zeal.
“For then I will give to the peoples purified lips, that all of them may call on the name of the Lord, to serve Him shoulder to shoulder.
10 “From beyond the rivers of Ethiopia My worshipers, My dispersed ones, will bring My offerings.
11 “In that day you will feel no shame because of all your deeds by which you have rebelled against Me; for then I will remove from your midst your proud, exulting ones, and you will never again be haughty on My holy mountain.
12 “But I will leave among you a humble and lowly people, and they will take refuge in the name of the Lord.
13 “The remnant of Israel will do no wrong and tell no lies, nor will a deceitful tongue be found in their mouths; for they will feed and lie down with no one to make them tremble.”
14 Shout for joy, O daughter of Zion! Shout in triumph, O Israel! Rejoice and exult with all your heart, O daughter of Jerusalem!
15 The Lord has taken away His judgments against you, He has cleared away your enemies. The King of Israel, the Lord, is in your midst; you will fear disaster no more.
16 In that day it will be said to Jerusalem: Do not be afraid, O Zion; do not let your hands fall limp.
17 “The Lord your God is in your midst, a victorious warrior. He will exult over you with joy, He will be quiet in His love, He will rejoice over you with shouts of joy.
18 “I will gather those who grieve about the appointed feasts—they came from you, O Zionthe reproach of exile is a burden on them.
19 “Behold, I am going to deal at that time with all your oppressors, I will save the lame and gather the outcast, and I will turn their shame into praise and renown in all the earth.
20 “At that time I will bring you in, even at the time when I gather you together; indeed, I will give you renown and praise among all the peoples of the earth, when I restore your fortunes before your eyes,” says the Lord.
Reminder:  "praying effectively" involves knowing God's will.  When we pray in His will (in His name), He may choose to not answer those prayers in the time period that we would like, or HOW we would like - but He will answer those prayers!

It is God's will: that we wait on the Lord God for His time of complete justice (3:8)

Today's prayer:

Dear Lord Jesus, we know that this scripture is talking about the end of the Tribulation, when You will gather the nations together - to bring justice and to punish all unbelievers and rid the earth of all evil - and to bring all those who will become believers during the Tribulation with You into the Millennial kingdom.  

For those people, particularly the nation of Israel, they will know their waiting time for Your second coming is less than seven years.  Thank You that You do not forget Your chosen ones!  Thank You for being faithful!  Thank You for knowing all things and what it will take for Israel as a nation to turn to You.  Convict the hearts and minds of unbelievers right now, so they may turn to You now and avoid going through those seven years of Your wrath.

For all believers right now, we wait for You to gather us up to heaven.  We do not know when this will happen.  And there will be no signs of when this will happen.  All we know is that You will come like a thief in the night - with no warning.  Until that time, or until we pass on, let us keep waiting on You with patience - remaining steadfast in our faith - trusting that Your love and sovereignty is fair and just.  

Right now, help us experience peace, joy and contentment.  Give us wisdom and understanding to know Your will and purpose for our lives.  Equip us with Your strength, love and courage to be Your obedient hands and feet.  Amen.

Friday, June 28, 2019

praying effectively: Be Silent Before the Lord God (Zeph.1-2)

(Zephaniah 1:1-18)  The word of the Lord which came to Zephaniah son of Cushi, son of Gedaliah, son of Amariah, son of Hezekiah, in the days of Josiah son of Amon, king of Judah:
“I will completely remove all things from the face of the earth,” declares the Lord.
“I will remove man and beast; I will remove the birds of the sky and the fish of the sea, and the ruins along with the wicked; and I will cut off man from the face of the earth,” declares the Lord.
“So I will stretch out My hand against Judah and against all the inhabitants of Jerusalem. And I will cut off the remnant of Baal from this place, and the names of the idolatrous priests along with the priests.
“And those who bow down on the housetops to the host of heaven, and those who bow down and swear to the Lord and yet swear by Milcom,
And those who have turned back from following the Lord, and those who have not sought the Lord or inquired of Him.”
Be silent before the Lord GodFor the day of the Lord is near, for the Lord has prepared a sacrifice, He has consecrated His guests.
“Then it will come about on the day of the Lord’s sacrifice that I will punish the princes, the king’s sons and all who clothe themselves with foreign garments.
“And I will punish on that day all who leap on the temple threshold, who fill the house of their lord with violence and deceit.
10 “On that day,” declares the Lord“There will be the sound of a cry from the Fish Gate, a wail from the Second Quarter, and a loud crash from the hills.
11 “Wail, O inhabitants of the Mortar, for all the people of Canaan will be silenced; all who weigh out silver will be cut off.
12 “It will come about at that time that I will search Jerusalem with lamps, and I will punish the men who are stagnant in spirit, who say in their hearts, ‘The Lord will not do good or evil!’
13 “Moreover, their wealth will become plunder and their houses desolate; yes, they will build houses but not inhabit them, and plant vineyards but not drink their wine.”
14 Near is the great day of the Lord, near and coming very quickly; listen, the day of the LordIn it the warrior cries out bitterly.
15 A day of wrath is that day, a day of trouble and distress, a day of destruction and desolation, a day of darkness and gloom, a day of clouds and thick darkness,
16 A day of trumpet and battle cry against the fortified cities and the high corner towers.
17 I will bring distress on men so that they will walk like the blind, because they have sinned against the Lord; and their blood will be poured out like dust and their flesh like dung.
18 Neither their silver nor their gold will be able to deliver them on the day of the Lord’s wrath; and all the earth will be devoured in the fire of His jealousy, For He will make a complete end, indeed a terrifying one, of all the inhabitants of the earth.
(Zephaniah 2:1-3)  
 Gather yourselves together, yes, gather, O nation without shame,
Before the decree takes effect—the day passes like the chaff—before the burning anger of the Lord comes upon you, before the day of the Lord’s anger comes upon you.
Seek the Lord, all you humble of the earth who have carried out His ordinances; seek righteousness, seek humilityPerhaps you will be hidden in the day of the Lord’s anger.
Reminder:  "praying effectively" involves knowing God's will.  When we pray in His will (in His name), He may choose to not answer those prayers in the time period that we would like, or HOW we would like - but He will answer those prayers!

It is God's will:
- that we are silent (and wait) before the Lord God, for He will bring justice to the earth (1:7)
- that people listen (and wait), and make a decision of salvation, for the day of the Lord is near (1:14)
- that Israel as a nation become believers before the Tribulation begins in order to avoid God's wrath (but God already knows this will not happen) (2:1-2)
- that people (during the Tribulation) will, in sincere humility, seek the Lord and His righteousness in order to avoid God's wrath (2:3)

Today's prayer:

Dear Lord Jesus, I am thankful that You will bring Your perfect justice upon the earth one day.  I am also very thankful that You provide salvation in order to spare us from that time here on earth, as well as spare us from Your wrath.  

May we focus on Your love and patience, and trust that You will bring all of that about in Your perfect timing.  While we wait for either our time to pass on or for the rapture, help us to take on Your love and patience, and continue to be obedient in Your will and in Your righteousness.

Convict the hearts and open the minds of unbelievers, especially the Israelrites, so that they will see their need for You.  Guide us in our daily lives to be a light to this dark world, able and willing to share the gospel message as You give us the opportunity.  Amen.

praying effectively: Look to the Good News (Nahum 1)

(Nahum 1:12-15)  Thus says the Lord,
“Though they are at full strength and likewise many, even so, they will be cut off and pass away. Though I have afflicted you, I will afflict you no longer.
13 “So now, I will break his yoke bar from upon you, and I will tear off your shackles.”
14 The Lord has issued a command concerning you: “Your name will no longer be perpetuated. I will cut off idol and image from the house of your gods. I will prepare your grave, for you are contemptible.”
15 Behold, on the mountains the feet of Him who brings good newswho announces peaceCelebrate your feasts, O Judah; pay your vows. For never again will the wicked one pass through you; he is cut off completely.
Reminder:  "praying effectively" involves knowing God's will.  When we pray in His will (in His name), He may choose to not answer those prayers in the time period that we would like, or HOW we would like - but He will answer those prayers!

It is God's will:
- that we look to Jesus and heed the good news of peace (1:15)
- that Israel as a nation will one day recognize their Messiah and believe, and celebrate in the Millennial kingdom with covenants fulfilled (1:15)

Today's prayer:

Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for the peace and freedom that You give to all believers.  Help us fully realize and understand what this all really means, and not take it for granted.  Help us to behold You - to really look at You - and understand who You are at a deeper level.  

May the people in Israel hear the good news and recognize that You were and are their Messiah - even now - before the Tribulation happens.  Help them see their need for You.  Help other unbelievers see their need for You.  Convict their hearts and prepare their minds.  

May we be willing "feet" to help deliver the message of eternal salvation and healing peace, whether it is on the other side of the world, or just next door!  May we lean on You to direct our paths and equip us with Your words of wisdom, and Your courage and strength.  Amen.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

praying effectively: Hear and Listen (Micah 1)

(Micah 1:1-3)  The word of the Lord which came to Micah of Moresheth in the days of Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah, kings of Judah, which he saw concerning Samaria and Jerusalem.
Hear, O peoples, all of you; listen, O earth and all it contains, and let the Lord God be a witness against you, the Lord from His holy temple.
For behold, the Lord is coming forth from His place. He will come down and tread on the high places of the earth.
Reminder:  "praying effectively" involves knowing God's will.  When we pray in His will (in His name), He may choose to not answer those prayers in the time period that we would like, or HOW we would like - but He will answer those prayers!

It is God's will:
- that we all hear and listen (1:2)
- that we become believers so we have God as our defense attorney as well as our just judge (1:2)

Today's prayer:

Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for being my defense attorney.  Because of that, there is nothing that can separate me from You and salvation.  And when I stand before You as my Judge, You will not judge me by my sins, but by my good deeds, because You have forgiven me and have chosen to remember my sins no more.  

The good deeds that stand the test of fire are the ones which have been done with the right motives - and I will be rewarded for those.  The right movies are the good deeds done in Your love.  This is all because of You.  You deserve all the glory.  

You will also act as judge to everyone who is not a believer.  You will one day judge them according to their sins, and bring true justice to the world.  Convict the hearts of the unsaved so that they can see their need for Your salvation.  And not just salvation, we need Your guidance everyday.  

Help us continue to grow in our faith, and fill us more and more with Your love, so that the things we do are done with the right movies in order to live in Your will and bring glory to You.  Amen.