Sunday, April 14, 2019

praying effectively: Avoid Adultery (Pv.6:20-35)

(Proverbs 6:20-29, 32-35)
20 My son, observe the commandment of your father and do not forsake the teaching of your mother;
21 Bind them continually on your heart; tie them around your neck.
22 When you walk about, they will guide you; when you sleep, they will watch over you; and when you awake, they will talk to you.
23 For the commandment is a lamp and the teaching is light; and reproofs for discipline are the way of life
24 To keep you from the evil woman, from the smooth tongue of the adulteress.
25 Do not desire her beauty in your heart, nor let her capture you with her eyelids.
26 For on account of a harlot one is reduced to a loaf of bread, and an adulteress hunts for the precious life.
27 Can a man take fire in his bosom and his clothes not be burned?
28 Or can a man walk on hot coals and his feet not be scorched?
29 So is the one who goes in to his neighbor’s wife; whoever touches her will not go unpunished....

32 The one who commits adultery with a woman is lacking sense; he who would destroy himself does it.
33 Wounds and disgrace he will find, and his reproach will not be blotted out.
34 For jealousy enrages a man, and he will not spare in the day of vengeance.
35 He will not accept any ransom, nor will he be satisfied though you give many gifts.
Reminder:  "praying effectively" involves knowing God's will.  When we pray in His will (in His name), He may choose to not answer those prayers in the time period that we would like, or HOW we would like - but He will answer those prayers!

It is God's will:
- that we observe and implement the biblical teaching from our parents (6:20-21)
- that we do not lust or commit adultery (6:25)

Today's prayer:

Dear Lord Jesus, keep us steadfast in Your word, and keep us from the temptation of straying in our marriages.  And protect those believers who are single.  Keep them pure and steadfast, protecting themselves, as well as any future marriage relationship.  Whether married or single, help us to be patient and content.  Amen.

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